Q15: additional information

This advice applies to Wales. See advice for See advice for England, See advice for Northern Ireland, See advice for Scotland

Question 15 is a blank page. You can use it if you run out of space on the claim form. 

You can also use it to give any additional information you think necessary. There's no right or wrong type of information to include but it's a good idea to use this space to tell the DWP if: 

  • someone had to fill in the form for you and explain why

  • you filled in the form slowly or with pain  

  • filling in the form caused you anxiety or stress    

  • you're attaching medical evidence to support your claim - for example, a care plan

  • any friends or family are your carers - you can include their contact details if you want but ask them first

Comments from other people 

If your carer, health professional, friends or family have any information you think will help your PIP application they can add it here. 

Make sure their comments relate to how your condition makes it difficult for you to do the activities detailed in questions 3 to 15. This is because the DWP base their decision on whether or not you get PIP on these activities. 

It's ok to write on a separate sheet if you need more space -  use our template 802 Bytes . Always attach this sheet to your claim form and include your name, National Insurance number and the question number.

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